
« Melanchthon, Philipp Melanchthon, Flacius and Melanesia »

Melanchthon, Flacius and


Melanchthon, Flacius and: 4, 321, 322, 371

Gallus and: 4, 427

on grace: 5, 42

on human disability: 11, 223-224

Justus Jonas and: 6, 225

on the keys: 6, 328

on the law: 1, 199

Loci Communes of: 7, 6

on Lord's Supper: 7, 35

Luther and: 9, 295

Major, and: 7, 135

on merit: 7, 316

on offices of Christ: 6, 173, 174

on predestination: 9, 197

on real presence: 12, 52

on regeneration: 9, 441

and Schmalkald Articles: 10, 248

and Tetrapolitana: 11, 309, 310

on usury: 12, 119

« Melanchthon, Philipp Melanchthon, Flacius and Melanesia »
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